Haj Guidelines – 2021 Health Advisory from Saudi Aruthorities Haj Quota Not Yet Fixed.

Online Application Form 1st November
November 1, 2021


Date: 27th May – 2021.

Haj Guidelines – 2021 Health Advisory from Saudi Aruthorities Haj Quota Not Yet Fixed.


Janab B. Shafiullah, IFS, Executive Officer, Telangna State Haj Committee informed that, the Haj Committee of India, Mumbai issued Circular No. 6 about the health advisory for Haj Pilgrims – 2021 issued by the Saudi Authorities during Pandemic.

The Pilgrims has to submit the following information and update in the Haj Committee of India website i.e. www.hajcommittee.gov.in

It is requested to submit the following information on the website of Haj Committee of India www.hajcommittee.gov.in

  1. Vaccination details i.e. Number of Doses taken with Vaccine Name (Vaccination Certificate to be upload).
  2. Have ever been hospitalized during last 6 months? (Health Certificate to be Upload)
  3. Whether interested to proceed for Haj-2021during Pandemic Period.

The pilgrims are advised to update the above information on the website after entering their cover number for Haj – 2021.

Janab Irfan Shareef, Asst. Executive Officer, Telangana State Haj Committee, informed that, however, yet no official communication with respect to allocation of Haj Quota to Indian Haj Pilgrims has been received from Saudi Government. All the process of Haj – 2021 will be subject to approval of Saudi Authorities.

For more information pilgrims are requested to read the guidelines carefully in website www.hajcommittee.gov.in. No need to come to Haj House in person during pandemic.


B.Shafiullah, IFS,

Executive Officer,

Telangana State Haj Committee,


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